This thesis can provide useful reference for cargo claims arising from through transport 期能提供货主求偿之参考,并使联运运送人之责任能更为明确。
Arrange the cargo claiming and maritime affairs , crews repatriation , medical treatment , traveling so on (六)洽办货物理赔,船舶海事处理,办理船员遣返,就医,旅游等。
In the third and forth parts , this paper stresses the detailed application of the above rules in the marine cargo claim 论文第三部分、第四部分则重点对海运货损索赔举证责任进行了阐述。
We provide the insurance service to you through our insurance company specializing in cargo insurance , including cargo claim os & d 我们的专业人员会对您的货物形态做个案分析,提供最合适的货物保险方式,以及货物索赔服务。